Sunday, February 22, 2009


Today, the MIL is coming to visit. She arrives this afternoon and will be staying about a week and a half. I am pretty happy about this. I love my MIL; we get along really well - I'm lucky that way.

Today, I'm off to a baby shower while The Husband and kids go pick up the MIL from the airport. I'm looking forward to some of the help I'll be getting around the house.

And...MORE good news! The cleaning lady has healed up from her car accident back in early December. She'll be back to clean my house next week!

Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky to have a helpful MIL. A visit from my MIL requires advil, earphones, a stuffy nose (my in-laws smoke in the car with windows rolled up! Pee-yoo), a copy of Kangaroo Jack (her fav movie - it occupies her), and I have to find extra things for Monsoon to do since she won't play with him - even when he begs. :(

    Have a nice visit. You are SO lucky.


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