Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sometimes Happy Mother's Day

In an attempt to maintain my sanity happiness, I'm going to pretend Mother's Day started yesterday. That way, I can say I had a pretty darned good Mother's Day! Yesterday morning, The Boy had baseball practice. The Husband had errands to run so I took The Girl and we went to The Boy's practice. The Boy has not been playing particularly well this season so I brought a book to read to ease the pain keep me occupied during practice. I was nearly finished with my book (The Lightning Thief) and knew I wanted to read the next book in the series. The Boy had already read it and returned it to his school library...he was ready to begin book I decided a trip to the bookstore might be fun. After practice, we went out to lunch and then to the bookstore. $60+ later, we left with an armload of books! We bought books 2, 3, & 4 in the Percy Jackson series, 2 books for The Girl, and two more for me! Then, we came home to get The Husband and went out again to the Buggy Festival. It is a cute little local carnival/fair thingy. The weather was wonderful. The only problem is that we missed the car show. After that, it was off to McDonald's for some ice cream. (I should add here that we are not fast-food people and this is the first time I've set foot in a McDonald's since we moved here last June.) After that, we came home. And? The best part of the evening? Sixteen Candles was on and I watched the WHOLE thing!

Today was not so nice as yesterday. This morning, The Husband had to get up early and go to work. I got up and putzed around till I noticed it was 9am...(Sunday School starts at 9:30!). I told the kids to get dressed and The Boy, who had been up reading since 7:30am, proceeded to have a full blown melt-down over the fact that he hadn't eaten breakfast yet (which, incidentally, somehow translates into MY fault...) and The Girl has a fit after asking me to do her hair because she does not like what I've done (then why ask?!). I manage to get out of the house and drop the kids at Sunday School. All is peaceful for a short while. The Husband had planned on doing the grocery shopping WITH the two kids so I would not have to as a gift for Mother's Day. I realize what I really want is new cordless phones for the house so I tell him I will go along with him so I can be sure he gets the right one because I love his company. We decide to go out to lunch, too, (which The Husband had planned anyway). At lunch, The Boy has another complete melt-down and, as we leave, The Girl begins belching loudly and laughing (because belching is hysterical to 9-yr-old girls as well as boys of any age). Don't get me wrong - I think it is funny too, but not in public. Forget the grocery trip...we are going home! (Luckily, I'd already gotten the phone!).

I went to the grocery alone after dropping everyone off at home. It was peaceful and enjoyable (because it was childless). Then, we went for a nice, 5+ mile bike ride. The Boy was extremely well behaved on the ride and The Girl was not bad either.

Hope all of you had a happy mother's day!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with going along to make sure it's done right. I try so hard to let go of stuff like that - esp when it comes to my own gifts, but I'm still a control freak even then!


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