Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today, The Boy turned 11. Wow...what a bittersweet day it was. I woke him up by tickling him and giving him 11 whacks on the one to grow on.

After school, my parents took the kids to gymnastics and I met them there. The Boy was playing with Mom's cell phone. A little bit later, he got into a very mature and thoughtful conversation with my dad and another gentleman. They were discussing sports. The other gentleman, who used to play major league ball, was giving The Boy pointers and their entire discussion was so grown-up...and not just one-sided!

After gymnastics, we ran home to change before going out to dinner (I drove myself and the kids went with my parents). The Girl had a meltdown in the car, and, according to my parents, The Boy went well above and beyond in attempts to calm and soothe her - and to cheer her up.

We opened presents when we got home and then went out to dinner. The whole time, I was struck by how much he's growing mature he has become...what a great kid he is.

I am so very proud of you, Son. I will always be here for you - even when you think you don't need me to be (most importantly then, because when you realize you *do* need me, I want to be waiting for you). Happy Birthday!


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