Sunday, September 13, 2009

And they're off!

Football season officially started yesterday with the Middle School Jamboree. The Boy's team lost; however, he played really well. He is a starting middle linebacker and he's very excited about his position. He was definitely instrumental in some big tackles...some of which he did on his own. His team is not as good as the one he was on the last two years, but they do show promise. And - for him, it looks as though it is going to be a good year. The first real game is next weekend. We can't wait!

The Girl begins her competitive season at the end of the month. There was an optional meet yesterday, but since it was optional and The Boy had his game, we opted out. She moved up to Level 4 and has finally mastered her shoot-through, which plagued her for months. We are pretty excited about what is to come.

Today was also the first official day of Sunday School. We are going to a new school this year (obviously - because we moved) and we really enjoyed it. The Boy grumbled all morning, but by the time we were headed home, he was upset they don't have class next week! The Girl made some new friends as well and both kids are excited about the upcoming year.

My not working full-time is turning into a real blessing. With all the running we're doing, something would have to give. Luckily, nothing does. Sometimes, things have a way of working out!

I hear the Sunday Night Football music, so I must run! I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Colts and the Giants win today!


  1. Despite being deep in cheese head territory I am not a big football fan. I'll take the 45 degree climate controlled ice rink anyday over the freezing, pelting ice/snow around here in the winter. Glad to hear the kids sports kicked off well!

  2. I'm watching football as I type (& listening to the hubs snore).
    Yay for The Boy's football - that's always fun. B's baseball games start Tuesday & soccer started Saturday.
    Congrats on the shoot thru - that's a doozie.
    Have a good week.


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