Monday, August 18, 2008

It's Five O'clock Somewhere

Now that the kids are going back to school, I have to drag my butt out of bed and back to work. No more taking care of things from home. No more lazy days. No more peaceful times. Today was my first day back. The kids . . . well, they're not in school yet so they got to come to work with Mommy and isn't that fun?! NOT. I was trying so hard to get back into the grove of things and get things organized. Nevermind that I no longer seem to have internet access...and no one seems to know when that will be back up and running. *sigh* Nevertheless, I plugged along and tried to get some stuff done. Of course, I was a whole lot less than productive with the kids around. They were completely up my bum all day. And loud? Wow. I never realized how much noise two kids could make!

I had a surprise mandatory meeting at 1pm so I quickly took the kids to lunch and they were actually good there. Go figure. Feed them and they momentarily behave! The meeting was another story. You'd think they'd never been out in public before! I shot a few "death glances" but they did not help. That might have been due, in fact, to some of my colleagues being entertained by the little darlings. UGH!

I ended up working later than I'd planned and then had to run to the store. Except I couldn't go to the store I wanted to go to because I had to go to another store. I have a presentation to do tomorrow and I'm not fully prepared. I am going in even earlier tomorrow so I can be prepared except I will have the kids again all morning.

If Molly were here, I'd be set for the evening. Instead, I'm mixing on my own so I had to settle for the old Gin & Tonic.


  1. Oh the Back-to-School Blues. A gin and tonic should cure those, though! Just think--before you know it, June will be here, and you'll be in Summer Mode again!

  2. Awe that sounds like my entire summer!! I work from home so once the kids were out of school, it was crazy days at my house!! Thankfully I have mute on my phone for all my hours of conference calls!!!

  3. I've taken my kids to work with me too. It. Was. A. Nightmare. I feel your pain.


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