Monday, December 15, 2008

Ho Ho Ho!

As you may already know, we have a Secret Santa thing going on at work. I, of course, drew someone I do not know. (Always my luck!) Anyway, the paper she filled out says she collects snowmen.

After work today, I ran to Michael's to get some stuff. We needed a card, food item, gag gift, and real gift...all for under $20. I made the card yesterday, so I had to do the shopping today. First, I found the "real gift." I bought a cute snowman mug (somewhat like the one pictured here, but different) that has a lid...the hat is the lid. It's really a tea mug, I guess, and the tea bag goes in the lid. SUPER cute. Then, I got a cute box to put it in (again, like the one below, but decorated with snowmen). The best part? The mug was $1.74!!! The box was also $1.74!

Next, it was time for a gag gift. Again, I do not know this woman so it's hard to choose something that would be funny to her. I ended up with this cookie cutter. What?! It could be funny...don't you think?! The cookie cutter was $2.99.

After my brief shopping trip, it was time to pick up the kids. I got them and came home. Then, I did what every normal busy mom would do...I got on the computer! I opened up my google reader and saw a this post from Lynette over at My So-Called Life. I was beside myself with joy! LOOK at this amazing gift!! I ran right out to Pier 1 and got my Secret Santa's food gift! It was the most expensive thing I bought, but at $10.50, it was totally worth it! It's a snowman cookie kit with edible-ink pens to decorate them with!

And so another installment of Secret Santa! I hope every year turns out this easy and inexpensive!


  1. Great ideas!!! I love Michaels too, they have everything!!!

  2. LMAO. I'm glad to see my selfish ways worked out for you. :)

    Hope she liked ti.


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