Friday, January 16, 2009


It's time for Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta! It's WAY fun to post to and a lot of fun to follow as well.

Since last week's photo series was so cute, I thought I'd do a follow-up - this time with The Boy. He has always been an industrious little guy and was not one for letting obstacles get in his way. He is just over a year old in these photos. He wanted something in that toy box and was not going to allow the size to stop him!

If memory serves, it was a plastic bag with some big, fluffy, fruit shaped bath sponges...but who was 10 years ago!


  1. I love his face after he found what he was looking for! Those are just the best pictures! Happy friday!

  2. Love the progression of the pictures... especially the look like "How did I get in here?"

  3. I am softie for any guy in feetie pajamas!

  4. What a cutie! Such a classic scenerio with boys.


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