Monday, January 19, 2009


So, for whatever reason, I allowed The Husband to talk me into working out on Saturday. Usually, he'll mention it and I'll look at him, and that will end the discussion. Saturday, though, something came over me and I decided 'what the hell...Sure.'

He told me to run about a quarter mile, do 5 sets of 10 dumbbell rows, 10 push-ups, and 10 squats. Then, I ran another quarter mile. I was supposed to have done 15 squats each set but I spaced and only did 10 (which, now, looking back, was a GOOD thing!).

Have I mentioned Saturday was cold? I mean really cold? I don't run - and it hurt like hell to do it, but I did...until I nearly died, at which point I started walking.

Shockingly, I was *not* nearly as sore Sunday morning as I was expecting. We did go for a nice 1.5 - 2 mile walk Sunday afternoon, though, to make sure my muscles didn't decide to cramp up and stop working completely!


  1. Congratulations - I don't think I could have done that. When its as cold as it was on Saturday - I'm lucky if I can just keep walking!

  2. Good for you! Keep building on that!

  3. Can you send your trainer to me?

  4. Go Wendy! Go Wendy! Go! Go! Go Wendy!

  5. YAY I'm so proud of you!! I think just getting into the routine is what is hard for me. Now that I have done that, I don't mind hitting the gym.


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