Sunday, May 23, 2010

Adventures in Farming - Chapter 1

Yesterday, we decided on a whim to go up to the farm to get some work done. It is not far from here, but we did not make the decision until around noon, and The Girl was still at the gym. I grabbed her, she ate, and we got our stuff quickly, but it was just about 1:30 when we finally left town. It's a pretty easy drive - 95% highway driving, so it was an uneventful trip. We packed overnight bags and the dog in case we decided to stay.

Our first stop was my Mother-In-Law's house. At this time, it is where we are keeping our tractor.

This is the Mother-in-Law's husband on their tractor. The Husband loves their tractor, but was worried he'd spend more time working on the tractor than the farm! That's why he bought a new one (or so he says!).

The Husband had to hook-up the bush-hog (I haven't a clue if that is how it is written...I believe this is the very first time I've actually written that word). That took some doing.

Once it was ready to go, we headed to the property. That was fun. I followed in the truck as The Husband drove the tractor through town. It was almost 5pm when we got to the farm!

As we pulled up to the farm, we were both a little surprised at how long the grass had grown. We were there at Easter and it had been mowed; however, no one had mowed it since then, so the grass was easily waist high. The Husband set to mowin'. (That was a country sentence, wasn't it? See how good I'm getting at this?!)

This is the view as you come up to the farm...before you turn onto our road. Below is the newly framed space for the door on the shed.

After a good, solid 2 1/2 hours of mowing, The Husband was ready to call it quits for the day! There is noticeable change on the property, but he barely put a dent in what needed to be done. We realized, for the first time, that 79 acres is a LOT...and we hadn't even mowed a tenth of it!

Because ticks were such a problem last time we were at the farm, The Kids didn't have a whole lot of fun this trip. They spent most of their time in the truck playing games. The Dog did some investigating, but she too spent most of her time in the truck. I pulled one tick off her and one off me (neither had bitten; they were just crawling).

After we gave up mowing, we went back to my Mother-In-Law's to put the tractor away. The shed on the property does not have a door yet; it has come in, but is not on. We had dinner and decided that we are *just* crazy enough to go ahead and drive home rather than spend the night. We left at 9:15 and made it into our driveway at 11:45! It was a VERY long drive...but worth it to sleep in our own beds. In fact, the kids let us sleep in and we did not get up until 10am!

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