Thursday, May 27, 2010


No...not the TV show. I've never even seen the show! This is a different lost.


The kids got out of school on Wednesday. I am not yet finished, so the Mother-in-law came to take them for the rest of the week. Because we needed her help Tuesday and she had already committed to taking care of my nephew, who also finished school Wednesday, she took MY kids home with her, rather than stay here with them.

I am lost.

I always thought it'd be so great to have the kids go away...and, in some respects, it is. I can't even TELL you how amazingly peaceful it is in my house with just me and the dog (The Husband is still at work). Except, it's TOO peaceful. I can't even believe I'm saying this, but it's so strange to not have them home. Bizarre even.

Not thinking I'm going to get used to this any time soon. Good think it won't last!


  1. It is a weird feeling. I always feel like I've forgotten them somewhere.
    Hope you find a way to enjoy the peace & quiet.

  2. The Ladies are at their dad's right now - have been since Saturday... i get them back tomorrow and I can't wait.

    Then later in the month they'll leave for a month... ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Way too early for you to be suffering from empty nest syndrome!!!

  4. I never feel lost when my house is empty. I feel liberated. I feel like I can hear myself think!


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