Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Dreaded Christmas Card Incident of 2010

Every year, for as long as I can recall, I've sent out Christmas Cards. I absolutely LOVE Christmas Cards, Chanukah Cards, Holiday Cards, New Year's Cards...whatever you want to call them. Fifteen years ago, when The Husband and I were first married, I sent out store bought cards. They were pretty generic, but cute. I would write notes in all of them, too. When The Boy was born, I decided to go with the newsletter. The Girl came shortly after and the newsletters continued, stuffed inside the card.

Then, my dear friend Nichole got me started on card making. We were both already crafty, and she was all into the papercrafting thing, so she got me started. (Trust me, I did resist at first!) I did get into the card making so much so that I began hand-making my Christmas Cards. I did that for a few years. It was around that time I began putting a photograph on the card. I knew people who ordered their cards with photos, but I thought I'd do one better and have handmade cards. Like I said, that didn't last too long. Plus, photo cards have come a LONG way over the years. Now, I order my cards. I take a good photo, upload it, and then either order it through Kodak or pick it up locally.

Last year, we went to a Buddhist monastery while visiting my brother and I thought I'd get a great photo of the kids there. That didn't exactly happen. I got a bunch of decent pictures...and some really good ones, but no great ones of the two of them. I compromised on the card and chose a layout with multiple photos so I could put one of each child and then a shot of the two of them.

This year, I had planned on a FULL family photo for our cards. I had warned told The Husband I wanted to take the photo over Thanksgiving while we were visiting his mom. I even made sure to bring nice clothes (they do not dress up for Thanksgiving dinner). The photo never happened. There was too much hunting and not enough time together. The weekend flew by without a single photo opportunity.

OK - no biggie. Back up and punt!

I warned told The Boy that we would take the photo Monday evening. I told him this on Sunday. We got home from basketball practice and I told him to get dressed after his shower.

Surly Teen Boy: Why?
Me: I'm taking a picture. Put on a pair of jeans.
Surly Teen Boy: I can wear shorts.
Me: Put on a pair of jeans, please.
Surly Teen Boy: Why? Why can't I wear shorts? Do you not want everyone to know I wear shorts to school all the time?
Me: I don't care what you wear to school. I told you to put on jeans.
Surly Teen Boy: They're in the wash.
Me: Fine. Put on slacks.
Surly Teen Boy: WHAT?! I'll look stupid!!!

(I'm skipping ahead...you know how this turns out. You should have seen his face when I told him to tuck in his polo shirt...it nearly popped right off his face!)

We get downstairs and I am all set. The Girl is dressed in a pretty knit dress and is sitting in front of the fireplace. The Boy will not go near her. I ask him to sit down. He slumps. ALL ATTITUDE! He was absolutely NOT going to smile for me NO MATTER WHAT. And, every time he felt a smile creep across his lips, he closed his eyes and turned away.

Long story short, I shot roughly 40 photos. Out of those 40, I came up with one that I could work with. I manipulated the crap out of it. The cards were ordered last night...finally!

Next year, I think I'll hire someone to play the role of my sweet son!


  1. That sounds exactly like our yearly tradition. These pesky kids. We haven't tried ours yet this year. I want to go to a park in our downtown area & the weather's been too yucky. I'm aiming for Thursday - I'll keep you posted.


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