Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Double Digits

Ten years ago today I gave birth to The Boy. Amazing. It was a long journey. Looking back, It is hard to fathom the emotional roller coaster we rode! As I alluded to here, there was a time when I believed I would never have children. It was a difficult time for me since I had always known I wanted children of my own. Finding out I was, indeed, pregnant was . . . there are no words! It was April 7, 1997. I had just returned from a trip to Tampa with a friend. The Husband was away and my friend and I had gone to visit a friend of hers. I felt sick the whole drive home (about 12 hrs) and I attributed it to a mix of car-sickness and sunburn. Monday morning, the 7th, I was so sick I didn't trust myself to drive. I called in sick to work and had a friend take me to the hospital to see what was wrong. Later that day, I learned I was pregnant. I cried so much the nurses thought it was an unwanted pregnancy and it took some talking to convince them otherwise!

These ten years have FLOWN by. The Boy - well, he's an amazing guy. He's smart, funny, friendly, athletic, empathetic, handsome, and, warm. When he's not being a total shit, I truly enjoy his company. My wish for him is a lifetime of happiness and success. My wish for me is that the next ten years don't fly by as quickly as the last ten! I'm not sure I can handle that.

Happy Birthday, "Little Guy!"
Love, Mommy


  1. Happy be-lated Birthday to The Boy! Tell him we're sorry we missed it!


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