Friday, April 9, 2010

Pollen Power

The pollen here is bad. REALLY bad. The Girl has pretty bad allergies and the pollen is kicking her butt! Most of the problem stems from the fact that (1) the pollen count is really high; and (2) the wind has been blowing pretty hard for a few days. We have been waiting for the rain to clear out the air.

The other day, The Husband washed his truck. The next day, there was a visible layer of pollen on it. We used to get this sort of heavy pollen when we lived in North Carolina, but we are not used to it here; I don't ever remember the pollen being so bad here before.

The Girl had to stay home from school one morning this week because the pollen was so bad. The Boy had a baseball game and just being outside in the breezy/windy evening nearly killed The Girl. She was so puffy and red she looked like she'd been crying for a month! Her allergy pills are just not cutting it. I think it might be time for some new ones.

I hope the pollen isn't too bad where you are!

1 comment:

  1. It is awful!! I've been itchy & watery for the past week and G's nose has started bleeding at the slightest touch. Ugh!
    We did have some rain yesterday but it's back in full force again today. No car washing for me yet even though it needs it desperately.
    Enjoy your weekend.


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