Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Not-so-Break

I am on is spring break for me. I should mention it is not spring break for The Kids. When I first realized this, I was none too happy. Then, the realization set spring break is not the same as their spring break. I would have a week off when they were in school.

Are you tracking me?!

Woohoo!! A week off without the kids.

Except...that's not how it is going! (But I bet you saw that coming as well!)

My break started on Good Friday. The Kids were still on their break then too. Their break actually lasted through Monday. Tuesday morning was their first day back at school; however, The Boy did not go to school. He had to have surgery on his feet (another post for another day), so he was home Tuesday. Today is Wednesday. The Girl's allergies are so bad that she did not go to school until 11am today. She was home all morning.

I have two days left of spring break. I am hoping to have at least one of those days completely off!

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