Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

It's Father's Day, and in true family spirit in our home, that means another unadulterated WORKDAY! We used to refer to these as "family fun days" but the children have since lost interest in working around the house, so they were scarce today!

Our first project was to battle our Japanese Beetles. I've written about them before and we were definitely making headway, but they are fierce this year and you can't dust certain trees, so it was off for the liquid backup:

This poor tree looks more like fine lace than a tree. I sprayed the heck out of it, and then did the ones out back for good measure!

After the trees were taken care of, it was time to dig out the pressure washer. This is one gadget EVERYONE should own. They're magic!

Since The Husband had just mowed the lawn and cleaned the mower, we had to get the pressure washer out to clean the driveway. While we were at it, we decided to do some much needed maintenance as well.

We grabbed a bottle of house cleaner and got busy.

We've owned this house for over four years and we've done our share of maintenance; however, we rented the house out for two years, during which time NO maintenance was done. Even still, we thought the discoloration of the shutters was due to fading, as our house gets a significant amount of direct sun every day.

You would not believe how shocked we were to find that the shutters were not faded, but rather dirty! Above is the before shot and below, the after. Amazing!

Despite the ridiculous heat, The Husband and I spent the bulk of the day outside (wearing sunscreen) working on the house. We are now cooling off and relaxing and, I suppose I'll cook him a nice dinner!

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