Monday, August 2, 2010

Back to School

So today was my first day back to school. It wasn't bad (but maybe that is because there were no students...)! Just kidding; there were quite a few students, actually. There was a whole lot of orientation stuff going on so a bunch of my former students were there giving tours and such.

Overall, it was a decent day. Lots of meetings (and more to come tomorrow), but still pretty good. Did some reorganizing, but that was all.

The Boy and The Girl still have a week and a half before they go back...lucky stiffs!!


The Girl had a great day at the gym tonight and her coach was bragging to me about all they accomplished. We submitted her floor routine music tonight and two of her coaches were very pleased (the choreography coach is who OKed the music but she wasn't there). We are all looking forward to what she does with it.

The Boy has football sign-ups next week, and we're really looking forward to that too. He can't wait to get his pads and hit some people!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your week is off to a good start. Enjoy working before the kid invasion.


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