Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blatant Bragging

Several years ago, when The Boy was in third grade, received an invitation to the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth. He was invited because in second grade, he had scored in the top 95th percentile on a standardized test at school. He was then invited to take an SAT-type exam, which he did. He scored in the top 10% for the state. He never took advantage of the programs they offered because he was so young, but each year, he was invited back to the program.

All these years, The Girl has asked when *she* was going to get *her* invitation. We moved just after that year and the kids took different standardized tests. Now that we've been back a full year, both kids took those same standardized tests. This year, The Girl was invited to participate in the CTY Search. She was thrilled. We have not figured out when she will take the exam or what programs, if any, she will participate in, but she is excited.

In other great news, The Boy was notified of his qualification for Duke University's Talent Identification Program! Again, it is because he scored above the 95th percentile. It will require his taking the SAT and/or ACT. He's not sure which to take and is seriously considering both!

Both of these programs offer neat courses over the summer. We're all excited about the prospects!

I'm a super proud mama...and The Husband a super proud dad!


  1. That is awesome Wendy! You should be a proud mama! I'm a proud auntie. :)

  2. And well you should be!

    From a proud Grandma!


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