Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A problem with blogging... that if you take a break of oh, say 3 or 4 months or so, you tend to lose your readers. Or, at least *I* do. So when you have questions you want answered, there is no one there to answer them...which makes one think he or she is talking to oneself. Sometimes, it's hard to hold up both ends of a conversation.

I know I'm asking a lot, but are you out there? And, if you are, can you give me advice as to how to fix my masthead so that the coffee cup picture goes ALL THE WAY across the top of the page?



  1. I'm here.

    But I have no idea how to fix the picture....

    i'm sorry

  2. I'm here & in the same boat. Not good at fixing technical issues - sorry.

  3. I'm here! I'm here! I pop in every now and then to see if you've posted anything so I was super excited when I pulled your blog up recently :) Can't help you with your header unfortunately but I did want to let you know someone is still out here reading!


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